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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hundreds Pocket Chart Team Builder

Tracking a hurricane and blogging!  Not my idea of an idyllic Saturday afternoon, but it could be worse.
I was cleaning out the closet in my classroom when I discovered a hidden cache of hundreds charts - six to be exact!  I already have one prominently displayed on the wall and I have one for the Smart Board.  It didn't seem right to throw them away.  What would I do with six perfectly good hundreds charts?   Then inspiration hit!  First, I stopped by Target to buy zipper pencil pouches that can go in a three ring binder.  Then, I dug through my cabinets to find my binder rings.  I put the number cards in the pencil pouch and used a binder ring to attach it to the hundreds chart.

I have six of these now; one for each table in my classroom.  The students will work in groups of four as they put the numbers in the pocket chart.  This will build ordering skills.  As our work continues, I may ask them to put only the odd numbers on the chart, or even numbers.  I can also instruct them to show the numbers they will use when counting by 2s, 5s, or 10s.  Not only will they build number sense, but they will also build social skills as they negotiate with each other and problem solve.  One of my goals this year is to provide more opportunities for small group work.  We complete partner tasks each day, but working in a small group really puts your social skills to the test!  This is one way I can help my little ones build relationships and math skills at once!  If you find any old pocket charts, hold on to them!  You might come up with a quick and nifty idea for them!


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