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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

100th Day Fun!

The 100th day of school is one of my favorite days!  I love that on the day we regroup to the hundreds place that we complete all kinds of activities that focus on the number 100!  To help put us in a really festive mood I decorated the door- a little two-sided tape and streamers!

I cut some bulletin board paper and asked the students to share some things they think are special about first grade.  As they spoke, I scribed.  

I love #42!  When the cafeteria is serving french toast, we greet each other with a hearty, "Bon Jour!"

I also love #69.  We have been using the word "persevere" when talking about our work.  We persevere even when a task is tricky!

Once we came up with 100 things about first grade, we carried it out to the hall and stapled it over our current bulletin board.  We also came up with 100 ways to 100 and put it on our other bulletin board.  We used addition, subtraction and a bit of multiplication to come up with 103 ways to 100.  That's right, we surpassed our goal!

As you can see, we used a lot of "fix-it tape"!

Those were two things we did to celebrate the 100th day!  I'll write about the community project we worked on in another post.