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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Smiles & Savings on Sunday!

Hello Friends!
I kept reading about the great materials teachers were finding at Dollar Tree.  Now, I always go there for my gift bags and stickers, but I wasn't taking advantage of all that wonderful place has to offer.  After reading Heidi's blog at Swamp Frog First Graders, I decided to take a jaunt there myself on this fine Sunday morning.  Truthfully, I wasn't feeling particularly creative when I got there, but I had a short list to follow.  Once inside, every piece of merchandise held the potential for a skill-building activity with just a tweak here and there.  Ah, yes, the mother ship was calling me home and I eagerly answered with my open wallet! I spent $39 and have the makings for 5 different math games and supplies to make 6 of each game! Nice!  As I finish putting them together and observe my students using them, I will fill you in on the nitty-gritty! 


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