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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Syllable Score

You have to love seasonal merchandise!  Once again, the mother ship was calling me home.  I found some unique Easter eggs at Dollar Tree.  The eggs are decorated to look like basketballs and footballs.  I have been making a lot of math games lately, so I decided to put together a literacy game.  Syllable Score is a game for students to practice identifying and marking syllable types.  I wrote one syllable of a nonsense word on the inside of each half.  The students write the nonsense word, scoop the syllables, and label the syllable type. 

Unfortunately, you can not see the syllables very clearly.  On the second picture the egg has the syllables so deam written inside.  The students would rewrite the syllables on a piece of paper and then label the syllables. 

The students would scoop the syllables, label the syllable type, and mark the vowel sound.  Now that we have learned all six syllable types, this is a great way to practice recognizing and marking syllables. 


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