Perhaps you read my earlier post sharing my quest for Post-It Multicolor Word Strips. I found one site that accepted a purchase for the word strips. I was excited, but also guarded. Today came the inevitable email. The site is unable to fill my order because the product has been discontinued. They say denial is the first step in healing. I guess it is. I have been in denial for a few days, but I have high-tailed it to anger. How could they discontinue my Post-It Multicolor Word Strips? Those tyrants! Each time I see a post-it, I will remember all that Post-It Multicolor Word Strips did for me. Well, we all have crosses to bear.
Be well!Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Post-It Multicolor Word Strips
I happily drove to Staples today to pick up one last purchase before the school year begins. I was excited because I was about to buy 4 packs of Post-it Multicolor Word Strips. My plan was to make my purchase, go to school and construct my job board to post here tonight. As I cheerfully jaunted through Staples I stopped to pick up a sparkly purple 3 ring binder for my lesson plans and a pack of Crayola thick markers ($1.). I was thrilled to get to the teachers' aisle to get my word strips. Then, hmmm, something was amiss. Where are my word strips? I looked and looked and then I looked again. No word strips? Well, no need to panic; they just moved them. I walked with purpose to the service desk and asked for my precious Post-It Multicolor Word Strips. The woman there was more than happy to go look in the teachers' aisle with me. I followed her there and she took a cursory look. Then she said, "Oh, right. We moved them for clearance." She started off to another area of the store and I took off after her. When we arrived she said, "Nope, I guess we're out." I asked, "When will you get a delivery." Now, hold onto your socks, she said, "We aren't."
"What?" I cried, but she did not relent in spewing her hateful message.
"We aren't carrying them anymore," she said.
I tried to compose myself as quickly as possible and left the store. I said to myself, "It's okay. I can go online and get some sent right to my house. That will be perfect. My wonderful Post-It Multicolor Word Strips will come right to my door."
Now, really, this is what kept me going today. Finally at 3:00 I had a moment to go online and order the word strips. Okay, bravery is needed here. The 3-M company is not making them anymore. (They do make the white ones but they are not very interesting!) I wrote a desperate plea to them, but honestly, I don't hold much hope. Thank you, friends for letting me tell my tale of woe. What will a year be like with out Post-It Multicolor Word Strips? Perhaps I will have to use the white ones. Ugh.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Good Night, Irene
Well, like Elvis, Irene has left the building. In her wake Western Massachusetts has some rising, raging rivers (love the alliteration).
I don't know if I mentioned that my grandmother's name was Irene. Of course, to me she was Nana. My mother and I have been joking that my Nana would have loved a terrifying hurricane sharing her name!
I am off to put the finishing touches on my classroom tomorrow before my little ones join me on Thursday! Hope you have weathered the storm well!
Well, the rain has diminished to a drizzle. There is not much wind at all. Irene is near/over Pittsfield at this point. I'm not sure what the impact will be here. Yesterday the reports indicated it would be quite close to my town, but that changed in the early, early morning. Anyway, I still have electricity and will check in periodically. Thoughts and prayers with those who are struggling with this storm!

Sunday with Irene
I am continuing to watch Irene. She has been downgraded to a tropical storm. The rain is coming down pretty hard right now, but the wind is minimal. This afternoon the wind is supposed to pick up. The eye of Irene isn't due to hit Massachusetts until around 2:00 this afternoon. There may be more to report later. I am preparing for Thursday, the first day of school! Hope you are all well and being safe! I'll keep you posted!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Number Hoops
Ah, yes, I hope Dollar Tree doesn't get jealous. I made quite a find at Target. It all started in their dollar section. I found these great hanging hampers.
It doesn't look like much in the package, but this hamper comes in orange, pink and lime green. When you take it out of the package it looks like this:
I used a magnet clip to attach it to the back door of my classroom. I picked up some wiffle balls and wrote numbers on them. You can get these almost anywhere, even my beloved Dollar Tree. I grabbed these at Target.
I will have my students stand a few feet away from the hampers and throw the balls in them. Then they will record the numbers of the balls in the hamper on their recording sheet. Later, when we work on 3 and 4 addend addition, they can add the numbers instead of ordering them. I thought this would be a good station to begin the year with. And there you have it; building skills while having a lot of fun!
Hundreds Pocket Chart Team Builder
Tracking a hurricane and blogging! Not my idea of an idyllic Saturday afternoon, but it could be worse.
I was cleaning out the closet in my classroom when I discovered a hidden cache of hundreds charts - six to be exact! I already have one prominently displayed on the wall and I have one for the Smart Board. It didn't seem right to throw them away. What would I do with six perfectly good hundreds charts? Then inspiration hit! First, I stopped by Target to buy zipper pencil pouches that can go in a three ring binder. Then, I dug through my cabinets to find my binder rings. I put the number cards in the pencil pouch and used a binder ring to attach it to the hundreds chart.
I have six of these now; one for each table in my classroom. The students will work in groups of four as they put the numbers in the pocket chart. This will build ordering skills. As our work continues, I may ask them to put only the odd numbers on the chart, or even numbers. I can also instruct them to show the numbers they will use when counting by 2s, 5s, or 10s. Not only will they build number sense, but they will also build social skills as they negotiate with each other and problem solve. One of my goals this year is to provide more opportunities for small group work. We complete partner tasks each day, but working in a small group really puts your social skills to the test! This is one way I can help my little ones build relationships and math skills at once! If you find any old pocket charts, hold on to them! You might come up with a quick and nifty idea for them!
Irene Cometh
Well, as you know Irene is working her way up the East Coast. We have followed all the sage advice from the local media regarding preparations. All we can do now is wait and blog!
Be on the look out for a post this afternoon!
Be well and be safe!
Be on the look out for a post this afternoon!
Be well and be safe!

Thursday, August 18, 2011
I am so honored and pleased to be today's guest blogger on Kleinspiration! I wrote about the website . If your school is not a member, you can still get samples of the leveled texts, alphabet chants, wordless books, comic books, poetry, reader's theater, and decodables. These free samples are available for downloading. The projectables that I wrote about on Kleinspiration are not available as samples.
I like printing out books from Reading A-Z because children can mark them up when we do our word study. If you use Wilson Reading System, there are some decodables that correlate with some of the steps. For instance, the decodable title Dan the Tan Man is great practice if you are teaching the AN weld in step 1. There are also decodables that focus on R-controlled vowels, digraphs, blends and vowel-consonant-E patterns.
Reading A-Z also has running records and assessment books available. This is a great site that will supplement your reading program very well!
Just a reminder that Kleinspiration and Teaching Blog Addict were both nominated for Parent's Magazine Blog Awards. Please stop by to vote for both of them! Each vote counts!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Great Blogs
There are two great blogs that I am obsessed with! I love Teaching Blog Addict! There are a ton of blog authors who write regularly and share some wonderful ideas! You can link to many, many other teaching blogs. If you haven't checked this blog out, do so! You will find yourself going back to it each and everyday!
*TBA has been nominated for Parent's Magazine "Best All Around Mom Blog"*
While I was exploring TBA, I discovered Kleinspiration. This blog is fabulous! Erin takes technology to the next level with a plethora of ideas, websites, tech tools, and more!
*Kleinspiration has been nominated for Parent's Magazine "Best Mom Teach Blog"!*
It is so great to see wonderful teachers acknowledged for their work and contributions! Please support the teachers involved with these important blogs by voting for them!
Many thanks!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Double Dice Deal!
Dollar Tree does it again! I read some blogs last spring that mentioned double dice; large, translucent dice that have a smaller dice inside them. I found them in some teaching catalogues and they were about $3.99 a pair. I never got around to ordering them. Then, while I was cheating on my vacation by indulging in a work-related shopping expedition, I found the most amazing deal - SIX double dice for $1! WOW!
As you can see, there are three pairs in each package. Each pair is a different color!
There are many ways to use these dice for math facts and I will keep you posted on how I choose to use them in our math work! Can you believe the price? How do they do it?
The Mother Ship Calls
Now, I realize I have been on a soap box about taking time for ourselves, and I mean it...however...while on vacation I heard a strange buzzing in my ear. Each night I tossed and turned, but it didn't go away. One day, while I was wandering aimlessly, I noticed the buzzing was getting louder and louder. As I turned the corner it came into view. There, in the full light of noontime, stood the most lovely sight my eyes have ever seen, Dollar Tree! It's true, while I was supposed to be relaxing and reenergizing, I returned to the mother ship and purchased, purchased, purchased! Astonishingly, the buzzing stopped as soon as I entered the Dollar Tree. Really, can you imagine my excitement? A seaside Dollar Tree! Well, I found some delightful deals that I thought I would share. First I found the beads! A bag of 400 beads for just one dollar! That's pretty good, but they also had 45 chenille stems (pipe cleaners) for just, yup once again, one dollar!
Then I found this great veggie and dip tray that makes a handy and sharp sorting tray!
I poured and sorted the beads in the new sorting tray so students can easily find the color they want.
Put all this together and you have the makings for a great pattern activity! The students will make pattern bracelets! Once we have learned about a few different patterns (AB, ABB, AAB, and ABC) the children will grab a pattern from a bag to see what kind they should make. Then they will gather the materials to make a bracelet representing the pattern. They can make a second bracelet to represent a pattern of their choosing!
What a fun activity for our first math unit! The best part is it cost less than $5! Yeah, I know I've been preaching about taking time out for ourselves, but when you have the greatest job in the world it's hard to let go! Hope you are having a great break and feeling ready for the new year!
Western Massachusetts Adventures
I was off on another adventure today. I saw an amazing Impressionist exhibit and did a bit of hiking. Beautiful views and time to clear my head. Perfect day!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Summer Adventures
True to my word, I am trying to get out and do some things that are fun, but not work related. This is tricky because, let's face it, our work is a lot of fun! I took these pictures on a recent hike. It was a cloudy day with intermittent mist and sprinkles. Really, I think the woods are just lovely when it rains!
Tomorrow I am off to my favorite museum to linger and absorb some beauty. After that I will take another hike. Fresh air and New England scenery, it doesn't get much better than that for me! Do something just for yourself!
Be well!
Summer Greetings
Well, summer is already coming to a swift end! I realized how easy it is for me to become uber-focused on planning for next year. It is not easy, but I am trying to take some time to reenergize and take care of myself. I hope each of you take some time to reflect on your successes and give yourself some time to relax and recharge. Having said that, I did think of the blog while on vacation...
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